(Purple = Transitions, Yellow = Pointing Terms, Blue = Key Terms, Green = Repetition)

From this exercise I see that out of the four devices used to connect sentences, I use key terms and pointing terms the most. Throughout the essay, I use the words “distraction”, “multitasking”,  and “attention”  a lot, as well as “technology”. Since these are the main topics of the paper, it is easy to see why. However, at times the highlighting of these terms made some things more noticeable. I sometimes am too repetitive with some of these words. The overuse of these terms sometimes makes the piece sound like it’s trying too hard to push a certain idea. Also I noticed I use the pointing term “it” a lot, sometimes possibly in unclear ways. From reading this section in They Say/I Say, I’ll try to be more vigilant when I use “it” to describe something to make sure that it’s clear to see what the “it” is.

I don’t use repetition much in the way that the book said, usually just repeating key words. Very rarely when doing this exercise did I find repeated, restated ideas. I didn’t find many transitions either, which made me realize I should add some in some places. These transitions act as a good way to connect the ideas of sentences near each other, so adding some to the piece could add clarity.