Hearing my peers’ podcasts has been different than I was expecting. The most unexpected thing I’ve noticed so far is how these adults answer the simple question “do you feel like an adult?” Although they all feel grown up, how and when they feel more grown up varies. It was interesting to hear in one podcast that one adult felt grown up at times, but not as much so in different situations. This is different than I perceived adults in my first paper. During the paper, I had thought that adults would feel grown up all of the time, not in certain contexts. It seemed more clean cut than this “messy” reality being shown by these podcasts. They show adults who need to be adults at some times, but can relax and be not as serious in other situations. This messy reality is surprising as well as being unsurprising at the same time. While it may seem surprising that adults feel “not grown up” at times when you step back and think about it, it’s very much needed in keeping people happy. People need times when they can feel unresponsible, giving them a time to unwind. This messy reality, although interesting, wouldn’t really fit into my paper I think. Since my paper is sort of taking the prompt at a different angle, it doesn’t really fit into the paper.