When revising this last paper, I am going to have to focus a lot on pushing myself past summary. This is already hard for me, but with the articles I chose it makes it harder even. Since it’s not a well known topic, I feel the need to use summary to inform the reader about the topics being presented in my paper. When revising I’m going to need to find a way to rely less on summary for this task.

To drive the paper with my own thoughts, I was going to incorporate Wasik’s piece more than I had in my free draft, since he didn’t show up much. In a suggestion from Professor Emerson, she had mentioned more just talking about the bigger ideas when summarizing. When going back, I’m going to be looking for possible summarization that could be cut out of the piece. This is going to be hard since I had tried to only include relevant details. Also, I’m going to have to connect what I’m writing to my argument more. Tying in some of this information back to my argument will make it less “summary-ish,” and it’ll help drive my paper.